Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Thank you for your kind thoughts!

My mom had a stroke a couple of weeks ago. At first, we weren't sure what was going on, so there was a lot of panic and worrying about what It was. Fortunately, as these things go, it was pretty mild and the prognosis is excellent.

With all the long BART and car rides, ER sitting, ICU sitting and waiting room sitting, I finished that herringbone lace scarf I have been "working on" for months. In progress pix are on ravelry (jendickinson is the name), and FO pix coming soon to the blog and ravelry. It looks great. I even put beads on the fringe.

My mom is still in the hospital, and my jenny-do list is long. More later!


Bubblesknits said...

Oh geez. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear she's doing better - or at least has a better outlook. I'll keep you and your family in thoughts and prayers.